Thursday, March 24, 2011

Outline (with edits)

Outline of Article

Concept: How-To Green Your Space. This will be a list of steps someone can take to green their lifestyles in a collegiate setting.

Sources: For the people I want to interview, I was thinking Lauren Kastner who is the President of Coal-Free IU, Bill Brown the Director of the Sustainability Office, I also want to use myself as a source if that is possible because I’m really passionate about this stuff.

I.         Lead
a.          I do not have the specifics of the lead in mind yet like how I want to word it, but I do know how I want the article to begin.
                                               i.     I want it to start of kind of like a trend piece
                                              ii.     It will grab the reader with probably an anecdote or relevant rationale as to why the green movement is a legitimate trend
                                            iii.     After introducing the trend I want to create a pull for the reader, which I am assuming to be around my age, to want to be involved.
                                            iv.     I am also debating whether to include what IU’s Sustainability Grade is (we got a C+) as recent as 2009

II.             Body of the article
a.            In order to avoid being boring and bland which can happen sometimes with the green movement I want to bring in very simple but innovative and fun ways to be eco-friendly.
b.            Some things I have are as simple as turning off your lights when you are not using them, others are a little more heavy like putting up a clothes line by your bed and hanging dry the bulk of laundry instead of using a dryer to conserve energy.
c.             Refilling a harder shelled water bottle instead of the plastic ones from Wal-Mart, although probably equally cost effective, one is just obviously worse for the environment.
d.            I want to expand on certain points with either anecdotes or more statistics and facts, because simply throwing away a water bottle can have an adverse effect to the human body and environment alike
e.            I want to be creative and interesting without over-doing it or pushing my excitement for this topic on to others.
                                               i.     People are easily turned off by over excitement for abstract topics
f. I will also be using plain English rather than lofty terms and anything too technical or focused.
g. This will also hold the quotes from my sources, my expert, a student leader in a related organization and a student that has maybe tried out some of these things.


III. Conclusion
I would finish by bringing in ways to start asap. Like "as soon as you finish this article do _____)
Providing a call to action would be helpful.

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